YACEP® A Journey to Tantric Meditation at Matsya Yoga - Vienna

Tantra yoga is often misunderstood in the West and is often seen as a conglomeration of sexualized spiritual practices. In reality, traditional tantra yoga is a path that seeks to encompass the whole person and turn every experience into a moment of self-realization.

In this training, we will explore the history and philosophy of tantra, we will study and practice the Meditations of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, and delve into the incredible beauty of this knowledge. This course is a special opportunity for advanced practitioners and is eligible for 30 hours of YOGA ALLIANCE YACEP continuing education.

Next Trainingsdates:

7th October, 14th October, 4th November 2024


If you have further questions just contact the studio in the form below for the next scheduled date!


YACEP® in Vienna, Where and How.


Experience the profound practice of Tantric Meditation in the heart of Vienna at Matsya Studio, located at Floriangasse 16, 1080 Vienna. If there is accommodation in our studio available it is possible to stay at the studio as well.



This intensive yoga workshop is spread over 5 weekdays, starting on Monday morning and ending on Friday evening. During this time participants will be able to join all studio classes and dive deep with us into the philosophy, history nd practice of traditional Tantra Yoga.



We offer two training fee options: 800€ with accommodation in our comfortable studio, or 500€ without accommodation. This course is open to advanced practitioners and counts for 30 hours of YACEP Continuing Education.

What are we going to do in the Workshop?

Welcome to our comprehensive journey to tantric meditation. We believe that meditation is always a practice and only through consistent practice can yoga be truly understood. Thus, we will be practicing both Hatha Yoga and tantric meditation daily as the foundation of our workshop.



We will practice Kundalini Yoga, Tantric contemplations and meditations. Sound Yoga, Bija Sanchalana, and deep immersions into your self. This workshop does not contain any form of physical contact. 


Exploration of the Vijnana Bhairava and Shiva Sutras

But this is not where we will stop. We will be taking a special path and exploring the influential texts of "left-handed" Tantra like the the Vijnana Bhairava and the Shiva Sutras, dealing with meditation and supreme experience. 

In this way we will delve into their philosophy and secrets in theory. You will discover the attitude, philosophy, and secrets of these beautiful Tantra Yoga traditions. We will get to know and embrace the meditations from the Vijnana Bhairava as well as Sound Yoga, Mantras, and exercises.


Suitable for you 

This yoga workshop is a rare opportunity in Europe to learn and practice these ancient techniques and explore the profound wisdom of Tantra Yoga. Everyone takes with them what is good for them, in this way the workshop is suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi,

you are welcome to join us for this experience. Let us explore the hidden magic of tantra yoga together.

YACEP and Daily Schedule


08:00–09:00  Kundalini Sadhana


09:30–12:15  Theory

12:30–13:30  Hatha Yoga

Lunch Break

15:00-17:00 Afternoon Theory ( Tuesday & Thursday)

18:30–20:00  Evening Class


Distribution of 30 h YACEP:


Techniques & Practice: 10h

Teaching Methodology: 2h

Yogic Anatomy: 3h

History & Philosophy: 7h

Philosophy - home readings: 8h

What is the Content?

Tantric Meditation - contents:

  • In this comprehensive yoga workshop, we will cover the following topics:
  • An introduction to the history and philosophy of classical Yoga
  • The history and philosophy of Tantra
  • Mudra, Bandha, Pranayama, and Meditation in Kundalini Yoga
  • Mantra and Bija in Tantra
  • Immersion in the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra and Siva Sutras
  • Guided practice of tantric meditation

Additionally, you will receive the following materials:

  • A Light on Tantra - 30-hour YACEP Certification
  • Our Script: Light on Tantric Meditation
  • A Matsya version of The Shiva Sutras
  • A Matsya version of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • A Matsya version of the 16th chapter of Kubjikamatatantra

Take this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of yoga and tantra, and to receive valuable resources that you can use to continue your practice even beyond the workshop. 

Questions? Please write us!
