YACEP® History and Philosophy of Yoga - Vienna

Philosophy and History of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga - 30 Hours YOGA ALLIANCE® YACEP
On this journey to the roots and heart of yoga, you will delve into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ishavasya Upanishad to explore the foundations of yogic thought. You will also learn about the origins of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, their development from ancient Tantra to the present day, and their significance in the modern world.

Upcoming Training Dates:

Monday - Friday, starting:


5th of August and 9th September as well as 25th of November.


For further dates just contact the studio in the form below .

Where will this YACEP Workshop be Held?

This training will be held at the Matsya Yoga Studio located in Florianigasse 16, 1080 Vienna, Austria. Alternatively, it may take place abroad (as indicated above). Should you need accommodations, we can arrange them for you as long as there are still spots free in the Academy.

The training will be conducted intensively over five days during the week, starting on Monday and ending on Friday evening.

The training fee is 800 Euros with accommodation and 500 Euros without accommodation at the Studio.

All learning materials are included in the course fee.

What is Special About This YACEP Course?

This journey into the history and philosophy of yoga is also a profound inner exploration. Traveling to the heart of yoga means enriching your own heart in the process. Yoga is meant to help you lead a more fulfilling and better life, and on this journey, you can discover the valuable treasures of yoga.

By delving into the rich history of yoga and reading significant texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and the Goraksha Shatakam, we can sense the essence of yoga.

The history of Tantra and Kundalini Yoga is often shrouded in legend and glorified. In this training, you will learn about the origins of yoga, the colorful and luminous Tantra, as well as the classical ascetic Hatha Yoga.

We will build a bridge to the present to enrich our current lives with beauty and abundance.

YACEP and Daily Schedule


08:00–09:00  Kundalini Sadhana


09:30–12:15  Theory

12:30–13:30  Hatha Yoga

15:00-17:00 Afternoon Theory ( Tuesd. & Thursd.)

18:30–20:00  Evening Class

Distribution 30 h YACEP:


Techniques & Practice: 9h

Teaching Methodology: 2h

Yogic Anatomy: 5h

History & Philosophy: 6h

Philosophy - home readings: 8h

What will we do in this Yoga Workshop?


  • An exploration of the nature of yoga
  • History of classical yoga
  • History of Tantra and Hatha yoga
  • The philosophy of yoga and the Bhagavad Gita
  • The philosophy of Patanjali Yoga and the Sutras
  • Tantric philosophy and Kundalini

You Will Also Get:

  • A journey through the history and philosophy of yoga - 30-hour YACEP® diploma
  • A Matsya version of their script
  • A Matsya version of the Bhagavad Gita
  • A Matsya version of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
  • A Matsya version of The Gorakasha Shatakam
  • A Matsya version of parts of the Manthanbhairavatantram

Questions? Simply write us!
