YOGA ALLIANCE 300h Yoga Teacher Training at Matsya Yoga Vienna, Europe

ONLINE or ON SITE. This advanced high-quality yoga teacher training in Hatha and Kundalini Yoga in Vienna is a transformative journey into the power of yoga. At Matsya Yoga Academy, we offer a fresh perspective on Kundalini Yoga, rooted in the ancient traditions of Hatha Yoga. Our training focuses on the rich facets of Sukhma Vyayama and explores also the secrets of Vijnana Bahirava Tantra as well as the Shiva Sutras. As a registered YOGA ALLIANCE school with extensive experience, our training is well-grounded and of exceptional quality.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Starting dates:

Start dates for intensive training 33 days in Vienna:


The 5th of August, 9th September and 25th November


An individual training schedule and flexible start are possible.

Yoga Teacher Training - FAQs


Join us in our Matsya Studio located in Florianigasse 16, 1080 Wien, which serves as our home base for this yoga teacher training. We welcome students from all over Europe, and as such, the training will be conducted in English to accommodate yogis from all corners of the world.



Our 300-hour Hatha and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training can be completed in an intensive 5-week course. For those residing in Vienna, we offer an individual schedule that can be customized to fit their specific needs and lifestyle, and the training can be completed throughout the year. 


Individual Schedule:

We've designed our training in a way that caters to the needs of everyone, including those with work or family commitments. Our aim is to meet you exactly where you are and support you along the way. We recommend completing the 300-hour training over the course of one year, as there are many topics to cover, and taking longer to absorb the teachings is beneficial.

Students have the flexibility to participate in the training whenever possible until all the necessary content has been covered. This approach allows for a personalized learning experience without compromising the quality of the training.

During the training period, students are welcome to attend any yoga class at our studio!

Costs and Certification:

The training costs 2900 Euros and includes all training materials. Accommodation can be arranged in our yoga studio subject to availability.

We strive to provide the same quality and depth in our ONLINE courses as we do in person. You can start a training online and, if you wish join on-site sessions too. A combination of online and on-site participation is also possible.

The course fees for both online and on-site trainings are identical.

Upon successful completion of the 300-hour training, you'll be certified as a YOGA ALLIANCE RYT®300

What is special about this Training?

At our Matsya Studio in Vienna, we prioritize quality in our yoga teacher training. For us, yoga is about growth, evolution, and a better world - and it all starts with you. That's why we're committed to providing you with the very best.


Our yoga teacher training is founded on deep yoga practice, but unlike other trainings, we also take a closer look at the philosophical and spiritual roots of yoga as well. This means that we'll not only explore the traditional texts of Kundalini Yoga, but we'll also dive into the root tantras of the Kundalini Yoga tradition - texts that are surprisingly unknown today. I'm truly excited to share their secrets with all true seekers.

In my opinion, it's essential to ground your practice in a firm understanding of tradition. This knowledge will give every graduate of our school the strength to continue their own journey safely and with confidence.

Our yoga teacher training follows a long tradition of yoga, going back to Satyananda, Shri Aurobindo, and the tantric lineage of Laksmanjoo. We incorporate the beauty and power of Hatha Yoga, as well as the energy and passion of Kundalini, and the essence of this teaching is simply your own heart - your most important teacher.

In this international yoga teacher training we offer all course materials, classes, and handbooks in English, so that we can include the broadest possible range of people.

Schedule and Daily Routine

Thats the way a day would look like 

Monday - Friday

08:00 Kundalini Morning Sadhana

09:00 Breakfast 

09:30 Theoriy

12:30 lunch class

13:30 lunch break

15:00 Theory (twice a week)

17:30 - 21:00 evening classes (optional)

Start possible at any time

We offer our 300-hour yoga teacher training in such a way that anyone, whether working or tied to family commitments, can participate in the training. It brings me joy that we can pick you up exactly where you need it.


The 300-hour training is best completed over the duration of one year (intensive is also possible), as many subjects are taught and a longer period offers the right framework to slowly get in touch with yourself. Students have the opportunity to participate whenever possible until all the necessary content has been covered. In this way, the training adapts to the needs of our students without losing quality.

During this period, all yoga classes can also be attended in the studio!

Structure of the 300-hour Training

The 300-hour yoga training is divided into five modules, each consisting of one week, from Monday to Friday. The first four modules of the 300-hour training are almost identical to those of the 200-hour training.

Each of the five modules also concludes with a test for self-reflection.

What are we doing in the Training?


History of Yoga | Philosophy of Yoga | History & Philosophy of Tantra | Science of Kundalini | Yogic Anatomy & Mysticism | Asana | Mudra | Bandha | The Sukshma Vyayam and Maha Mudra | An exploration of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra and the Shiva Sutras | Mantra and secret Bija | Yogic Live and Ethics | The Mystery of Kundalini Yoga and a practice guideline


You will also receive:

  • A Kundalini Yoga and Hatha - 300h Yoga Alliance Diploma
  • A detailed Yoga Matsya Script
  • A Yoga Matsya version of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • A Yoga Matsya version of Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • A Yoga Matsya version of The Shiva Samhita
  • A Yoga Matsya version of Yoga Yajnavalkya
  • A Yoga Matsya version of the Kumarikakhanda Chapter 4/5
  • A Yoga Matsya version of Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • A Yoga Matsya version of Siva Sutras

Examinations und Quality 

Teaching Classes:

At our school, it is of utmost importance for us that you have the opportunity to teach classes, so you can experience yourself in action. You will have the chance to lead a minimum of two yoga classes per training, allowing you to receive feedback and gain insight into your talents. The lead trainer will place special focus on identifying areas of improvement as well as your hidden talents.

Because whenever you express what you are truly good at, everything you do will become magnificent.



At the end of each week, we will provide you with simple exams to complete over the weekend. This will help you integrate your knowledge and reflect on your experience. This process is beneficial for you because expressing what you have learned helps to solidify it within you and putting it into words makes it even clearer.

Questions? Simply write us!
