Matsya Yoga Academy

Vienna Academy for Kundalini Yoga & Hatha Yoga Welcome home!


Yoga for Today

Our academy was founded with the desire to support every individual in unfolding their best self. Yoga is meant to uplift and enrich us, enabling us to face today's challenges—social, ecological, and spiritual.

This world needs yoga, because it needs a way to connect with the heart and find a path to a better life. Especially in challenging times like ours, yoga must serve the lives of all of us, to advance the growth of our being, individually and as a community.


Subsidized Yoga Training

We offer courses and workshops of the highest quality. Hence, our school bears the Ö-Cert and WienCert badge, making it one of the few recognized educational institutions in Austria dedicated to Yoga. 

Thanks to our standrads, our Yoga teacher training programs are eligible for funding through WAFF for employees as well as at the AMS for further education and educational leave (Bildungskarenz).


Trainings, Workshops, and Courses

Our academy offers daily classes and Yoga courses in German and English, as well as comprehensive YOGA ALLIANCE® certified Yoga teacher training programs and YACEP® workshops in Vienna. Our Yoga courses are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners of Yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training Waff Subsidized Funding

Our Way

We have made a conscious decision to have the COURAGE to believe in an evolution towards a better life. We encourage everyone to join us, to develop a vision for a better future, and to make it a reality with the power of yoga, for all of us.

We believe that wisdom should precede knowledge. Today, many believe that raw knowledge is the most important instrument in life. But what is knowledge without the insight into how it serves life? What is raw power without an application in the service of the soul?

Yoga is a path to this wisdom. The necessary complement to raw knowledge. This path leads inward to the visionary space of the heart, from which knowledge of the right way of life can emerge.

Our academy seeks to unveil this wisdom that gives meaning to all things, yoga is our path to it, the heart its seat.


We discover these treasures of yoga always from the perspective of the present. The challenges of the present, ecological, social, and also spiritual, are the benchmark from which we distill the knowledge that is relevant to us here and now.


The philosophy and practice of yoga and tantra is a source of invaluable insight, with unparalleled depth of understanding. This philosophy should inspire us to find the right actions for the present.


Yoga is not a dusty philosophy of the past, but yoga is a gift of wisdom for the now, here and today.

Our Lineage

We teach traditional Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga according to Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Dhirendra Brahmachari. Philosophically, we are strongly influenced by Sri Aurobindo and his vision of Integral Yoga - the unity of life and yoga.


We also practice Yoga Nidra and Sound Yoga, both of which are elements from our lineage of Swami Satyananda. In our courses on meditation and Tantra, we follow the Trika Tantra according to Swami Lakshman Joo, which was passed down to us through our teacher Mark S. G. Dyczkowski.


We teach Sukshma Vyayama, the three Pawanmuktasanas, a variety of Asanas, Kriyas, Matras, and also meditations according to the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.

Our yoga follows the highest standards in quality and depth.


Not only are we a 300h YOGA ALLIANCE school, but we can also draw on the richness of our lineage. Our yoga teacher training programs incorporate the high quality of our lineage and are suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

RYT®200h Training RYT®300h Training

NEW: 200hr/300hr Yoga Teacher Trainings Now Available ONLINE!

Starting in 2023, we are offering some of our Yoga teacher trainings online as well.

We strive to provide the same quality and depth in our online courses as we do in person.

You can start a training online and, if you find the time, join the on-site sessions too. A combination of online and on-site participation is also possible. Please note that the course fees for both online and on-site trainings are identical.



Online teacher training yoga

The Matsya Yoga Blog

Here you can find out all the latest news about NEW trainings, workshops, courses, and classes.


Whenever we publish a new class we anounce it there as well ;-)


Take a look and see for yourself, you will definitely find something interesting!



To the Blog

The Matsya Team

Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher training Europe sarah



Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher training Europe sarah


Yoga Teacher

Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher training Europe sarah


Feldenkrais Teacher

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The Voice of our Students:

The most authentic and profound yoga studio I’ve ever been to! I’m very grateful to have been able to do the YTT with Clemens and his team. They teach a very traditional and unique kind of yoga and find a perfect way to make it modern and easily accessible for everyone. An absolutely magical experience :) Thank you!

- Izzy R. - 13/12/2022

I am an American yoga teacher living in Italy and participated in a weeklong continuing education training about the chakras at Matsya Yoga Academy. All training classes were taught in english and all open yoga classes were taught in english with the exception of one. I immediately felt welcome upon my arrival. Clemens, the studio owner, greeted me at the studio and showed me around the space. For out of town students, as it is available, there is an apartment attached to the studio that you can stay in (with other roommates) for an additional fee while you are participating in a training. This made me feel even more integrated into the community and also made it very easy to attend classes without having to commute. Although I have been teaching yoga since 2008, there is always more to learn, and I feel like I was exposed to a new to me style of yoga practice during my week of study at Matsya Yoga. Clemens, the owner and teacher trainer, is both passionate and knowledgeable about the practice of transformational yoga and he shares his enthusiasm with everyone. He brings a beautiful energy to his classes. Anne, the studio manager, takes care of all the details to make sure that students feel welcome. She also teaches weekly Feldenkrais classes at the studio. She is truly a phenomenally talented teacher who possesses the gift of being truly present while seeing and understanding her students at an innate level. I look forward to studying with her in the future. All the other teachers I had the privilege to take class with during the week were both professional and brought their authentic voices to this ancient tradition of Kundalini yoga. I look forward to returning to Matsya Yoga when I am back in Vienna. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to connect to this beautiful community.

- Sharon Murriguez - 13/12/2022

Kleines feines Studio mit authentischem Yoga, wie man ihn selten in großen Städten findet. Hier kann man wirklich abschalten und gleichzeitig den Körper aktivieren, denn es sind teils dynamische Einheiten (va. Kundalini). Hatte bisher 2 Yogaklassen bei Clemens und es ist spürbar, dass Yoga für ihn eine Lebensphilosophie ist, deren Weisheiten er großzügig mit allen teilt. Sehr empfehlenswert!

- Sarah Laland - 13/12/2022

The hidden gem of yoga in Vienna! I was delighted to find authentic hatha/kundalini yoga being practiced through authoritative Indian lineages here in Central Europe. Clemens creates a transformative, energy-shifting yoga journey during each class. I was so impressed that I was impelled to commence the 200-hour teacher training course. This experience has been nothing short of life changing. Not only have we learnt many specialised asana sets, we have also deep dived into pranayama, mudra, bandha, mantras and much of ancient and contemporary yogic literature. Needless to say, I am immensely grateful to have found a teacher that is so committed to transferring the full richness of yoga practice as a way of life. My most heartfelt thanks to Clemens and Yoga Matsya!!

- Evan C. - 13/12/2022

Mein Freund und ich hatten eine grandiose Yoga-Einheit heute Morgen! Können es jedem nur wärmstens ans Herz legen, auch mal vorbeizuschauen. Auch für Anfänger super geeignet! Danke Clemens!

- Elena Schmuth - 13/12/2022

Sehr angenehmes Yogastudio mit einem Gemeinschaftsraum mit Küche, der zum länger bleiben einlädt. Yoga wird hier in Bezug auf den eigentlichen ursprünglichen Spirit von Yoga praktiziert, was sehr wertvoll und schön ist. Es kommen vor allem Elemente aus dem Hatha und Kundalini Yoga und Yoga Nidra vor. Das Lehrerteam ist professionell und geht individuell auf die Schüler*innen ein. Clemens hat ein wirklich sehr großes Wissen über die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Yoga und Tantra. Spirituelle und Yoga Suchende finden hier definitiv ein Zuhause! Danke Clemens!

- Sebastian Emanuel - 11/01/2023

Mein 200 Stunden Training bei Clemens war außergewöhnlich. Clemens hat eine besondere und wundervolle Art Yoga zu praktizieren und gibt diese gerne weiter und lässt einen dadurch an seiner intensiven Praxis teilhaben. Er besitzt ein tiefes Verständnis von Yoga und ist auf Fragen immer sehr ausführlich eingegangen. Besonders der Focus auf das Atmen, Pranayama Techniken und die Kombination aus dynamischen Kundalini Übungen und kraftvollen statischen Hatha Übungen hat mich sehr begeistert. Die Yoga Nidra Sessions waren einfach nur wundervoll. Es war mir auch möglich die Kurse anderer Trainer während meiner Ausbildung zu besuchen und damit eine noch bessere Idee für meine eigene Art des Unterrichtens zu bekommen. Die Transkripte mit den selbstgezeichneten Illustrationen von Clemens sind super schön gestaltet und man merkt sofort, dass Clemens von ganzen Herzen unterrichtet! Die gestellte Wohnung über dem Studio war gemütlich und ich habe mich bei Yoga Matsya wie zuhause gefühlt. Vielen Dank für die wundervolle Zeit und für das finden einer ganz neuen Tiefe in meiner eigenen Yogapraxis sowie auch die ganze Inspiration, welche ich nun durch meinen Unterricht weitergeben kann :)

- Philip Hoffmann - 11/01/2023

I would highly recommend Matsya yoga academy to anyone who is looking for a deep understanding of Hatha and Kundalini yoga. It was a big gamble for me, whether I had chosen the right course or not, but any doubts were soon put to rest after my first classes at Matsya. The USP of this course is Clemens. I simply could not have hoped for a better teacher/guru. He is without doubt the most passionate and knowledgeable yogi I have ever come across, who is 100% invested in what he teaches, and his energy and passion for the subject is contagious. The accommodation is good, and Clemens can’t do enough to make students feel comfortable and welcome. Easy 5 stars

- Luke Mc. - 11/01/2023

Meine Erwartungen an ein YYT wurden mit diesem für mich übertroffen. Clemens unterrichtet Yoga von Herzen und dies ist in jeder seiner Klassen spürbar. Er hat ein unglaubliches Wissen in verschiedenen Bereichen, vor allem in der yogischen Philosophie. Er vermittelt dieses Wissen so das es "Lust auf mehr" macht und so der Same der Tradition an anderen Orten weiter wachsen kann. Besonders geschätzt habe ich auch den Tagesablauf, in welchem Zeit für das Selbststudium blieb. Die kleinen Klassen, die ein lernen in "familiärem" Rahmen ermöglichten. Hier wird Yoga gelebt und dies ist deutlich spürbar. Ich konnte viel neues Lernen, bereits vorhandenes Wissen vertiefen und meine eigene Yoga Praxis stärken. Nach diesem YTT fühle ich mich bereit diese Tradition mit Wertschätzung und Respekt weiter zu vermitteln. Ich bin unendlich dankbar für diese wundervolle Zeit bei Matsya Yoga Acadamey, in der ich mich getragen und "Zuhause" fühlen durfte.

- Jasmin Pariyar - 11/01/2023

I signed up for the Yoga Teacher Training with Clemens and even without having a single class with him or ever meeting him, I had a feeling he’s going to be wonderful! And now that I almost completed the training, I can say that for sure that he’s been the most amazing teacher one could ever wish for! He’s incredibly knowledgable - I call him walking-talking encyclopaedia! He has amazing energy and presence, he teaches kundalini yoga with his heart wide open, he’s very kind and generous, he never hesitates to share yet another technique that might be useful :-) and he’s incredibly patient in lovingly answering any question from his students (and I had plenty!) All in all, I honestly can say that I couldn’t wish for a better teacher to learn hatha and kundalini yoga! Thank you for everything Clemens! 🙏🏽

- Sanja - 11/01/2023

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We are happy to welcome you!

Get a 10-block for only 50 Euros

If you are self-employed It's time to reclaim your SVS contributions ;-).

With the "Gesundheitshunderter", the Austrian SVS supports you once a year with yoga at our school. Every workshop or training is eligible.

You can submit the invoice, for example, a 10-block from our qualified school to SVS and get 100 Euros back!


Ps. When applying, enter under "SVA Cooperative Partner / Provider" the following name: Clemens Biedrawa; Program: Yoga