Unique Women Circle,

In the Unique Women Circle, we connect with our ancestors.

On October 31st, 2023, it's Samhain, also known as Halloween, the night before All Saints' Day.

Samhain is a Celtic Wheel of the Year festival. On this evening, the veil between the visible and invisible world is especially thin.

Therefore, it's the perfect moment to connect with oneself and one's ancestral lineage.

On this evening at the Unique Women Circle, we connect with our ancestors.

Walk in peace.


So that you can recognize the gift from your roots and use it in your life.

In this sacred space, we connect as women to share wisdom, to learn, and to support one another.

Our ancestors are an invisible but powerful part of our existence. They carry the stories and experiences of our predecessors, and their energy flows through our veins. Yet, often in today's hectic world, we forget the connection to our roots.

Let's together discover the treasures of your ancestors and feel the power of the female community.

I am thrilled to welcome you to this unique circle.


October 31st, 2023

7-9 pm

At the Matsya Yoga Academy (Florianigasse 16, 1080 Vienna)

Energy Exchange

69 €

VIP 111 € - this includes a 1:1 cleansing of your energy field.

Register via mail@nicolereiter.com or by WA +49 170 92 40 186.

Connect to Nicole




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